Steve Zehngut

Steve founded Zeek Interactive in 1995. Despite dozens of dot–com hey–day offers to “partner up” for mountains of stock options, he remains the creative technologist behind the Huntington Beach–based company. With a degree in cinema and a background in graphic design, Steve has been a multimedia developer for more than fifteen years. Under his direction, Zeek Interactive has grown from an apartment bedroom to one of Southern California’s leading development and consulting shops.

Steve is recognized as a leading Web and Flash programmer. He has been a frequent panelist and speaker at industry trade shows, including the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) and the Macromedia International User Conference. He was also a former Macromedia Advisory Board Member, a member of Producer’s Guild and he sits on the Advisory Board at the Art Institute. In addition, Steve has participated as a mentor in the American Film Institute eTV Workshop.

Steve has taught interactive development courses at University of California Irvine, University of Southern California, American Film Institute, and California State University Long Beach.

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