We Survived!

We had such a great time putting on OC WordCamp.  We can’t thank everyone enough.  Sponsors, speakers, volunteers, attendees, caterers, friends and family, thank you.  We met lots of new people, caught up with friends, exchanged ideas, got inspired…it was awesome.  Even when Brandon and I were breaking down the venue we were already talking about next year.

Videos of the speakers are coming soon and we’ll post again when they are ready.  And we’ll have a proper wrap-up post after we organize our thoughts better.  In the meantime, enjoy some of the pics I took while scooting around the event.

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3 Responses to We Survived!

  1. jhawkins says:

    You guys did a fantastic job and put on one hell of an event! Congrats guys, you should be really proud!

  2. Drew Strojny says:

    It was awesome! Great work by the OC WordCamp organizers and volunteers.

  3. Dre Armeda says:

    Guys, you killed it! Awesome event, and I look forward to helping with OCWC 2011.

    Thanks for a great weekend!


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