Lucy Beer

Lucy Beer of WebTrainingWheels has been using WordPress since 2004 and working in online marketing for even longer. She spends her days helping individuals and businesses learn how to use WordPress for their specific purpose. Stand too close to her and she’ll turn you into a WordPress-savvy nerd without you realizing it. She also works with businesses to coach and consult them on their online marketing strategies, and teaches group workshops and classes. Although not a full-blown developer, she actually likes coding (weird, huh?). When not doing these things, you’ll find her reading books in fine coffeeshops around LA (her nerdery extends offline too), or possibly on top of a hill in Topanga. She’s originally from Manchester, England although many years in Los Angeles have made her talk funny, acquire a taste for fro-yo and get annoyed by overly enthusiastic greeters in stores.

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