Category Archives: Sessions

Session Spotlight: Contributor Corner with John Hawkins, Aaron Hockley, and Mike Hansen

Join John Hawkins, Aaron Hockley, and Mike Hansen in the Crystal Cove Trail workshop room at 2 PM on Saturday, June 6 to discuss how you can contribute to the WordPress community no matter your skill level or interests.

Learn how to help improve WordPress, any which way you can at the Contributors Workshop. You will get an introduction to the various ways you can join the WordPress project and assist people on the forums, improve documentation, triage bugs, and add new features to core. Whatever your skill level, you can help!

Session Spotlight: Finding your ideal WordPress job with Suzette Franck

Join Suzette Franck in the Trabuco Trail track at 2 PM on Saturday June 6 for her presentation “Which WordPress Job is Right for You?”

You love WordPress, and if you are not already making a nice living with it, why not? The WordPress economy is expanding and more people are becoming involved in all aspects around WordPress, whether it be freelancing and entrepreneurship, blogging and content creation, search engine optimization, social media and marketing, developing plugins and themes, designing sites, User Interface, Maintenance, User Experience, Executives, Project Managers, Teachers, Presenters, and on… all working with WordPress in some capacity. This light-hearted session will break down several different types of popular positions and some of the requirements to do that job, which traits work best with which titles, and how you can begin to find your dream WordPress job.

Session Spotlight: Let’s Debug for Real with Joe Chellman

Join Joe Chellman in the Trabuco Trail track at 11:30 on Saturday, June 6 for his presentation Let’s Debug For Real.

If you’ve written a line of code in any language, you’ve gotten into a state where you don’t necessarily know what the heck is going on. Sure, you can try adding “echo”, “print_r”, “var_dumps” and the like all over the place, but it’s messy, and there is a better way. A little bit of set-up can help you debug your code like a champ. If you’ve never seen a real debugger before, or if you’ve just dabbled with one, this talk could change your life substantially for the better.


Session Spotlight: Giving back to WordPress with Chris Ford

Join Chris Ford in the Salt Creek Trail track at 11:30 AM Saturday, June 6 to discuss how to give back to WordPress without being a core contributor.

There are four ways to give back to the WordPress community that don’t involve writing code. Learn how writing, speaking and teaching can not only help you share your knowledge and grow the community, they can also help you gain a better understanding of your beliefs and values.

Session Spotlight: Designing for Seniors with Cemal Tashan

Join Cemal Tashan in the Salt Creek Trail track at 2 PM on Saturday, June 6 to learn about designing websites with senior citizens in mind.

An American turns 50 every 7 seconds. The senior age group is now, for the first time, the largest in terms of size and percent of the population in the U.S. Those aged 50 and older represent 45% of the U.S. population. One-third of the internet users in the U.S., are adults aged 50+ representing the Web’s largest constituency.

WordPress sites must be designed with this in mind. You will learn how to meet seniors’ needs from one of their own.

Session Spotlight: Selling WordPress products with Scott Bolinger

Join us on Saturday, June 6 at 10:40 AM for Scott Bolinger’s presentation on selling WordPress products.

Scott has been focused on selling WordPress products for nearly 5 years. He started out selling themes, then started to do more with mobile, founding a company to create mobile apps out of WordPress sites, and last year, sales grew marketdly. Recently, he released a SaaS product that has had a steep learning curve, which has shown him some of the tougher sides of the business. Join him and learn about the ups and downs of selling WordPress products.