Session Spotlight: Let’s Debug for Real with Joe Chellman

Join Joe Chellman in the Trabuco Trail track at 11:30 on Saturday, June 6 for his presentation Let’s Debug For Real.

If you’ve written a line of code in any language, you’ve gotten into a state where you don’t necessarily know what the heck is going on. Sure, you can try adding “echo”, “print_r”, “var_dumps” and the like all over the place, but it’s messy, and there is a better way. A little bit of set-up can help you debug your code like a champ. If you’ve never seen a real debugger before, or if you’ve just dabbled with one, this talk could change your life substantially for the better.


About sarahwnyc

Sarah Wefald is a senior product manager, focusing on end-to-end B2B SaaS solutions for state & local government, finance, and education industries. She is also the founder and principal of Mother Blackbird, a digital solutions agency. Sarah has led a number of sessions on topics like WordPress development, as well as product and project management. Additionally, Sarah volunteers for Orange County WordPress, sharing knowledge, guidance and opportunities to those exploring careers in tech. Sarah attended Mount Holyoke College, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English.