SEO Simplified

A lot of people know they need to focus on SEO. But how exactly do you do that without going to SEO Sorcerer School and learning the dark arts?

William Bay has trained many small business owners how to get their websites ranked by giving them a narrow group of tasks to focus on, vs learning a lot of jargon, server configurations, keyword densities and linking metrics.

What you’ll learn in this presentation is:

  • How Google determines to display the pages it does.
  • How best to set up your WordPress site to maximize the chances of getting ranked.
  • Show you how to choose the right keyword, and introduce you to competitive analysis.
  • Walk through using the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin on a Page and Post to set you up for rankings.
  • And discuss links and why they’re important. Also why some links are very bad.

You’ll come out of this presentation with a clear understanding of what you need to do to get your pages ranking higher than they have in the past. And you’ll find that you didn’t need that magic wand after all.
