Boom Chakra-laka: The Holistic Approach to Web Design

We’ve all heard something along the lines of this before from a potential client: “We want a simple website, 5 or 6 pages and 3 navigation tabs. A shopping cart and a contact form”. Hmm…Okay. Yeah, sure you can build that. Great. But are you offering solutions to this client’s colorful challenges online and offline? Probably not. Which means this website is doomed to fail.

A website does not stand isolated from the many aspects integral to good business planning: marketing, Company mission/message, target audience, social media, mailing list… Like a holistic practitioner takes into account all the Chakras, you should be addressing all your client’s business aspects to produce an online presence that is solid and effective. Just building a site does not solve your client’s challenges: which are ultimately to get more exposure, sell more products, save money, reduce wasted man hours or an infinite variety of problems. If you concentrate on offering SOLUTIONS for your clients’ CHALLENGES then you are more likely to see a web presence with measurable success and happier, enlightened clients!

In this session I will inspire you to elevate from just a website builder to the higher plane of “Solutionary”!

Get ready to clear some Chakras, yo!


WordCamp Orange County 2016 is over. Check out the next edition!