Blair Williams Love Fest Heads to Orange County

I met Blair through John P. at WordCamp Las Vegas. Upon my return home, I bought and installed the pro version of Blair’s plugin, Pretty Link to check it out. I was totally impressed with the functionality that his plugin brought to the table and began looking through his code. Let me tell you, it is a meticulously organized and succinctly written bit of code. Blair not only writes code, but effectively markets a pro version of his plugin.

As if he wasn’t busy enough, over the last few months, Blair has been busy writing another plugin, Mingle. Mingle is a simple way to turn your WordPress blog into a social network without the overhead of WordPress MU and BuddyPress. He launched a companion site to showcase the plugin’s abilities when he released the plugin and the site has become nothing less than what I would consider to be a Blair Love Fest. The feedback he’s gotten on the plugin has been overwhelmingly positive.

I think we can all learn a lot from Blair’s breadth of knowledge.

It is my great pleasure to announce that we have confirmed that Blair will be presenting in Orange County. If you’ve ever wondered how to build and market a WordPress plugin, come check him out.

You can find Blair at the following places:

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