Checking in With UC Irvine

Here’s a little back story on why we chose UCI as our venue.

First off, UCI wasn’t our first choice. As a graduate from Chapman University in Orange, I thought it would have been be a perfect venue for OC WordCamp. It’s small, central to Orange County and has a good community. Unfortunately, they don’t use WordPress at all internally and therefore didn’t have any sort of motivation to help us out. My wife is a UC Irvine graduate and suggested we look there.

Guess what?

It turns out that UCI is using WordPress MU to facilitate Blogs @ UCI, a blogging service for UCI faculty, staff and graduate students. I spoke with the manager of the UCI blogs, Sylvia Bass, who works in the OIT department about sponsoring the event, but due to reductions in university budgets they aren’t able to help us out. However, we were able to secure two rooms on campus that have the technology that we’d need to put on a successful event.

Today I went down to campus to drop off our deposit. OC WordCamp is right around the corner and I’m super pumped.

Much WordPress love goes out to all of the people who have already registered. There’s still tickets left, but the price is going to go up pretty soon. Don’t wait to get your tickets…and why not donate a few bucks to the cause while you’re there.

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