Let’s Share the Love

The countdown begins. We’re less than a week away from Orange County WordCamp and we’re stoked about all the stuff we have for you.

But, we want to go bigger.

World Map

A lot of you are coming to Orange County WordCamp, but there are people all across the world who can’t make it to the conference due to the sheer distance they’d have to travel to get here. We have no doubt that WordPress fans around the world would also benefit from the presentations you’re going to experience first hand this weekend. So, we got to thinking…why should we limit our audience to those who can make it in person? Why shouldn’t we try to spread the WordPress love all around the world?

We started talking to Joe Christensen of Blaze Streaming Media. They’ve streamed other WordCamps live in the past, so they know what to expect. The other benefit of having them in Orange County is that they’ll be able to archive our presentations on WordPress.tv so that you can go back and use these presentations as a reference.

There’s only one problem…and it’s a big one.

It’s a bit out of our budget to bring these guys to the event. We haven’t gotten as great a response to our call for sponsors as we’d hoped and we’re already over budget. If you have it in your wallet, or you work for a company that does, please help us bring Joe and his crew to OC WordCamp. Any amount of donation you can make will help to make this happen.

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