Theme Workshop

Join me for a theme workshop titled “Customizing your WordPress theme: Best Practices” . The workshop is targeted towards beginners interested in learning how to customize a WordPress theme the “right way”. It will focus on six best practices relating to theme customization. An overview of each practice will be presented followed by a live demonstration. The goal of the workshop is to help you build a solid foundation and give you the confidence to start customizing your WordPress theme. The six best practices:

  • Setup WordPress locally
  • Use a proper text editor
  • Use a child theme
  • Use an FTP client
  • Use Firebug
  • Use the Codex

As you can see this talk will be targeted specifically to beginners that have little to no experience customizing a WordPress theme. If you are wondering what the heck a child theme is and have never heard of FTP or Firebug, then this is the presentation for you!

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4 Responses to Theme Workshop

  1. Cayenne says:

    I like this kind of workshop, are you going to host another one? Thanks

  2. OC WordCamp says:

    Robin – We’ll most likely be posting the specific time slots tomorrow. See you this weekend!

  3. Drew Strojny says:

    Hi Robin!

    Glad to hear you are looking forward to the workshop. Brandon will have more details about specific times, etc. soon.

  4. I am a newbie at customizing WordPress, and I would like to attend your workshop.
    Have you set up a specific time and classroom #? Don’t want to miss your presentation.
    Best regards,
    Robin Fenchel

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