Sponsor Spotlight: GitHub Updater

Github UpdaterThanks GitHub Updater for joining us as a Camp Counselor sponsor for camp this year!

If you use or developed a WordPress plugin or theme hosted in a public or private GitHub or Bitbucket repo, GitHub Updater is an open source project that makes automatic updating possible. It allows for easy remote installation of any GitHub or Bitbucket repository containing a plugin or theme, and keeps your code up to date as the repo is updated. Learn more about it here.

About sarahwnyc

Sarah Wefald is a senior product manager, focusing on end-to-end B2B SaaS solutions for state & local government, finance, and education industries. She is also the founder and principal of Mother Blackbird, a digital solutions agency. Sarah has led a number of sessions on topics like WordPress development, as well as product and project management. Additionally, Sarah volunteers for Orange County WordPress, sharing knowledge, guidance and opportunities to those exploring careers in tech. Sarah attended Mount Holyoke College, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English.